Photography Policy


Gaver Farm is a beautiful, picturesque location for family, engagement, and holiday sessions. The farm’s fall orchard, pumpkin patch, sunflower fields, festivals, and Christmas trees are the perfect backdrop for photography sessions!

Fall Season: August 30 – November 5, 2024 from 10 am – 6 pm daily

Christmas Season: November 29 – December 23, 2024 from 9 am – 5 pm daily

Photography Blackout Dates: No sessions permitted during peak Christmas weekends on November 29, 30, and December 1, 7, and 8, 2024.

  1. Schedule your session.
    • We do not accept calls to schedule appointments.
    • Submit a Session Request Form and Photography Agreement at least 7 days in advance. You will receive a reply to approve or deny your request. The form is at the bottom of this page.
  2. Photography Fee: There is a $50 fee per hour (capped at $250 per day) for sessions held outside regular business hours and dates (listed above).
  3. Gaver Farm is CLOSED from November 6 – November 28, 2024. During this time, the farm must transition from fall to Christmas. There will be dangerous moving machinery, mowing, construction and tree shearing/pruning with sharp tools. We do not allow photography sessions during this time for the safety of all guests and workers. Exception: Christmas Minis on November 16-17, 2024 Christmas Photography is permitted with a reservation and paid photography fee.
    • When Gaver Farm is OPEN, there is no fee for photography sessions.
  4. Check-In: All photographers must check-in prior to your session.
    • Check in at the Farm Market with a manager.
    • Pay the Photography Fee (unless Gaver Farm is OPEN during your session).
    • Gaver Farm is a working farm and for your safety it is imperative that we know you are present. We will direct you to the location you are permitted to take photos (by your request in most cases).
    • Restricted Zones: please be aware of the restricted zones provided to you at check-in. For your safety you must follow these guidelines, especially near hayrides.
  1. Gaver Farm assumes no responsibility for loss, theft or damage to any equipment or belongings.
  2. You must park in the parking lot. Driving to the fields is not allowed.
  3. NO PETS on the farm premises. This includes all photo sessions.
  4. Be courteous and respectful of our property, farm activities and customers. Props are okay. You should leave the farm in the same condition and cleanliness as when you arrived. Gaver Farm reserves the right to ask you to move or leave the premises if you are disruptive or not complying with the farm’s policies.
  5. Contact Gaver Farm if you are unable to keep an approved Session Appointment.  
  6. Gaver Farm reserves the right to alter this policy or refuse photographer access at any time for any reason.
  7. Published photos (Facebook, Instagram, Blog, web) should credit the location of the photograph (Gaver Farm, Mt. Airy, MD). Gaver Farm welcomes all photo submissions! If you share your photos with us, with your permission and credit, we may use them in print and/or online!
  8. Drones are NOT permitted on or above Gaver Farm property.
  9. Fall Season: If you would like to take pictures inside the gated Fall Fun Festival, you and your guests must pay the daily admission per person and wear your wristbands or turn them in at the Wristband Checkpoint (for security to hold for you if you don’t want them in your pictures).
  10. Apple Orchard: In order to take photos inside the gated Apple Orchard, you must purchase a pick your own bag to enter the orchard (1 bag admits 4 people). Do not interfere with other guests picking apples. Limit apples used as props to those from your purchased bag. Orchard sessions are only permitted during scheduled PYO apple hours and dates.
  11. Christmas Season: NO SESSIONS during PEAK WEEKENDS (listed above). On other Christmas season weekends, all farm visitors must stop at the exit to have their vehicle inspected for trees and payment. Photography guests that do not make purchases MUST STOP at the exit to communicate with the Farm Manager that the nature of your visit was photography.

photography contest

We want to see Gaver Farm through YOUR eyes! Introducing Gaver Farm’s first ever Photography Contest!
We are looking for incredible images in the following categories:

  • Apples
  • Pumpkins
  • Fall Fun Festival
  • Gaver Food

To enter, submit your best images to [email protected] with subject line: Photo Contest. DEADLINE: October 22nd at Midnight.

A Gaver Farm gift card will be given to the best of each category, as well as the selection of an Overall winner!

By submitting, you grant Gaver Farm the ownership and or use of all submitted images.

Schedule a photography session!

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