No Christmas Reservations Needed
The Gaver Farm family is heartsick over the proposed PJM power lines. We have been pouring our time and energy into researching the Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project that will bring 70 miles of 500,000 volt electrical transmission lines through the state of Maryland to supply Northern Virginia data centers, but not largely serve power to Maryland. Only 3.86% of the power from these transmission lines will be used in Maryland. We are opposed to this potential land grab using eminent domain for corporate gain that will have no benefit to our community/state while devastating businesses, farms, homes and property values.
The MPRP line will have a devastating impact on our farm. The red line on the map is the Gaver Farm property line. The front side of the farm contains the farm buildings, historic homestead and cropland in Christmas trees, pumpkins, sunflowers, corn and high-density trellised apple orchard and the back side of the farm is fully planted in Christmas trees with woods and hayride paths between the two sides. The highlighted yellow indicates the path of the massive transmission lines that would strip the land of all potential uses.
Our family has poured our heart and soul into building this business and growing our farm. We offer a place for guests to spend time with their families on a real working farm, learning about agriculture and picking crops. The impact this line would have on our business is substantial. Please share this information with our community, friends, family, lawmakers and anyon e you know. We WILL fight for our family’s legacy, our farm’s future, our community’s residents and our state’s strength in this battle.
Even if the lines do not go through your property, they will have a huge impact on you and the state of Maryland through a substantial increase in your electric bill to pay for this project’s $5 billion price tag. The PSEG representatives at the Linganore High Forum shared that there are several more lines planned for right here in Frederick County and the state of Maryland. These lines will destroy natural scenic assets, decrease property values and harm the environment. We strongly believe that there are better alternatives that should be explored or considered by PJM and the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC).
What can you do to help?
PSEG- [email protected]
PSEG MPRP Manager, Jason Kalwa- [email protected]
Public Service Commission- [email protected]
Frederick County Council Members- [email protected]
Frederick Co. Executive, Jessica Fitzwater- [email protected]
Comfort and emotional support animals, and other non-service animals (pets), are not permitted.
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